Browsing All posts tagged under »EU«

The Unruleable Country: Why Can Nobody Govern Libya?

January 21, 2015 by


The Libyan uprising ousted Muammar Gaddafi. A government was put in place in the capital and it looked like democracy had arrived for good. Instead what followed was a breakdown of order and descent into civil war. Now after months of conflict the European Union hailed an agreement on Friday between rival factions to form […]

Peace in Ukraine: Weighing Russia’s Latest Trophy

September 21, 2014 by


Ukraine’s recent signing of the EU Association Agreement had all the hallmarks of a great political triumph—from President Petro Poroshenko’s “Slava Ukrayini!” (Glory to Ukraine) on Twitter, to the bouts of anthem-singing in Ukraine’s parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, every impression that Ukraine had finally prevailed in its year-long political crisis was given. In reality, however, […]

Ukraine and the ‘New Cold War’: The Return of Neutralism

June 4, 2014 by


Whether the Crimean crisis heralds a new era of international relations (or not), it has clearly been a pivotal moment in Russia’s relationship with the West. The world over balances of power are shifting, and though the United States remains unrivalled in sheer power, close to the borders of rising China and the increasingly-assertive Russia […]

Hanging in the Balance: Ukraine’s Russian Republic

March 1, 2014 by


Over the past four or so months, Ukraine has witnessed protest and rioting that dwarfs its 2004 Orange Revolution in every respect. Beginning as a protest against what was seen as undue Russian influence in Ukraine’s last-minute withdrawal from an Association Agreement with the European Union, this volte-face in favour of closer Russian association soon came […]

The EU Vote Cameron Doesn’t Want

February 7, 2013 by


Prime Minister David Cameron has promised the British public an in/out referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union (EU). The referendum itself will give voters a choice of staying in the EU, with more powers retained by Westminster, or leaving the union. Cameron had previously rejected calls from within his own party for […]